The Lifeway Center Inc is a community ministry organization that operates the Shepherd's Nook Food Pantry, and the Project Win Cancer Support Group. Shepherd's Nook is one of the largest pantries in a 26-county area, serving over 1,400 residents per month. Project Win is the only cancer support group of it's kind in a 30-mile radius, offering support to cancer victims, families, and those left behind.
The Lifeway Center Inc is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization, that is registered with the Missouri Attorney General's "Check-A-Charity" Program, and is funded primarily by donations from area churches, businesses, foundations, and individuals. The Lifeway Center usually has Tax Credits available for those interested in seeing their funds put to use here in the Missouri Ozarks.
The Lifeway Center pays no salaries or benefits to any Directors, employees, or volunteers. 100% of all donations go straight to work in the community. As such, the schedule sometimes varies somewhat, depending upon when volunteers can take time off of work to come together. That being said, generally we are open beginning the 2nd week of each month, Tuesday - Thursday from 8AM to 1130 AM. By that time each month, a calendar will be posted on the door with additional days and times for the month.
The Lifeway Center is debt-free, and began as a local missions project of Salem Full Gospel Church, becoming a separate community organization in 2005. The annual budget for the Lifeway Center is approximately $632,000.00 (as of 2012-13), and all financial information is available for review and open to the public. The Lifeway Center was founded by Dr William & Sheri Stack, and Berniece Robinson.